Beauty in the Eye of God, the Beholder

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas from a Candy Cane Prespective

"Look at the Candy Cane
What do you see?
Stripes that are red
Like the blood shed for me
White is for my Savior
Who's sinless and pure!
"J" is for Jesus, my Lord, that's for sure!
Turn it around 
And a staff you will see
Jesus, my shepherd
Was born for me!"

I heard this poem when I was little girl at church and I have never forgot it. In fact, I just taught this week to the children at my church. I love this poem, because it shows what the real meaning of Christmas is. I love how something so simple as a candy cane can be used to tell one of the greatest stories of all time!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 30

I am thankful for salvation today. God's free gift of salvation through His son, Jesus. This is the most important thing I am thankful for. It has impacted my life and has changed me in so many ways.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 29

I am thankful for colorful lights. Lights like the ones you see one Christmas trees. They're bright and cheerful.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 28

Today I am thankful for imagination. To be able to use my mind in a fun creative way.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 27

I am thankful for pretty smells today. I love things that smell good and all the different types of smells.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 26

M&M's are delicious and they are what I am thankful for today. I love the bright colors and the yumminess of them.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 25

I am thankful for heat today. I'm thankful to be able to turn on the heat during cold days and nights and warm up.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 24

Friends are amazing and I am thankful for the friends I have. I don't see some of them as often as I'd like, but I know that they are always there for me no matter what.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 23

I am thankful for cellphones. I can communicate with anyone, anywhere with cellphones. You can talk on them and text with them.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 22

I'm thankful for memories. The ability to remember good times and make new memories, especially during the holiday season.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 21

Today I am thankful for food. There are so many different varieties of food with so many different tastes.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 20

Transportation is what I'm thankful for today. There are so many different ways to travel. Cars, boats, airplanes, etc. It makes it so much easier to see the ones we love.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 19

I am thankful for a clean house to live in. I have a roof over my head that's safe.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 18

Today I am thankful for LOVE. I'm thankful for God's love, my family's love and the ability to love others. Love is a powerful emotion.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 17

God's Promises are so amazing and I am so thankful for them. He never makes a promise that He doesn't keep. Everything always works out as He promises.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 16

I am thankful for my job. It's hard to find a job in today's economy. I'm thankful that I have a job and that it's a job that I enjoy.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 15

Hope is what I'm thankful for today. The hope that God gives us everyday. The hope that we have through Him. Hope that everything will work out for good.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 14

Today I'm thankful for COFFEE! It gives me energy, warms me up and tastes great with chocolate mixed into it.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 13

I am thankful for communication. There are so many different forms of communication these days. Facebook, cellphones, texting,'s easy to stay in touch with the people we love and care about.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 12

Forgiveness is what I'm thankful for today, especially God's forgiveness. He forgives me every time I mess up and is constantly giving me more chances then I deserve.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 11

I am thankful for bravery. I am thankful for the men and woman who are brave enough to serve in our nation's military.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 10

Laughter is what I'm thankful for today. Nothing sounds better then giggling and laughter. The Bible even says that laughter is good medicine. :D

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 9

Today I'm thankful for taste. I love being able to taste different flavors; spicy, bitter, sweet, etc. Taste isn't something God was required to give us, but chose to give us. It's a special gift that we get to enjoy.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 8

So today I'm thankful for the sun. It warms everything up and makes everything so much brighter and happier. I love when the sun is out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 7

Today I'm thankful for the Sovereignty of God. Nothing happens that He hasn't already planned out. Nothing surprises or shocks Him. He is control of everything that happens. I am so glad that I can trust in Him to work everything together even when I don't understand it.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 6

I'm thankful for the different seasons today. It's getting colder outside and winter is on the doorstep, but it just wouldn't be the same without the changing seasons. God is so amazing to have given us such a variety in our world.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 5

Today I am thankful for big comfy sweatshirts. Seems like a funny little thing to be thankful for, but I absolutely love big sweatshirts. It's like being in big, warm, fuzzy bubble. I'm thankful I can be nice and warm outside even with all this chilly weather.

Monday, November 5, 2012

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 4

I'm thankful for freedom. I'm especially thankful for the freedom that I have in the United States to go to church and worship God. I don't have to worry about being arrested for what I believe in. I have the unique opportunity to be able to share what I believe with others without fear.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 3

MUSIC! is what I'm thankful for today. The sound, the variety, the rhythm. I love absolutely everything about music. It's one of those things that I don't think I could live without.
Music is literally everywhere. You can hear it when the wind blows or when the birds sing. When the rain is pouring or when the water is flowing. I love how music surrounds us in so many different ways.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 2

Today I am thankful for my family! Especially for a family as close as mine. My family is always here for each other, through the good and bad we stick together. I've been blessed with amazing parents who have taken the time to homeschool me and my siblings, so we can get the best education and foundation they can give us. I am thankful for each and every member of my big crazy family and wouldn't change it for the world.

November Thankfulness Challenge: Day 1

Today I'm thankful for color. One of the things I love about fall is all the color with leaves changing and the scarves and hats we take out for the cooler days. I love color in general. It makes everything so much brighter and interesting. I can't imagine a world without color.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Everyday be Thankful-November Thankfulness Challenge

November is here and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. November is the month were we encourage one another to be thankful. There is a challenge going around on Facebook to list one thing you're thankful for everyday. I think this is a great idea! It's a great way to keep my perspective in check this month. I'm going to post something that I'm thankful for everyday and why I am thankful for it. It's a great challenge and I challenge everyone to do it.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The crazy game of LIFE

     I love the board game LIFE. As you travel around the board trying to get to retirement you get to "experience" the crazy ride of life. For example: getting married, have a baby, mid-life crisis, family vacation, etc.
    Like the game of LIFE, real life can be a crazy and eventful ride sometimes, but unlike the game of LIFE we don't just wander around the board until we make it to the end. As a believer in Jesus Christ our purpose in life is so much more then that.
     What is our purpose in life? Well let's grab a LIFE Chip and see:

LIFE Chip #1:
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
     We were created to bring glory to God in everything we do. Whether you are eating, drinking, sleeping, working, doing homework, watching TV...we need to be sure that it's glorifying to God.

     Let's grab our second LIFE Chip and see the next one:

 LIFE Chip #2:
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10     

     We also need to be willing to be used by God. God has given us special talents and gifts that He wants us to use for His purpose and His glory. We need to be using those gifts for Him and not ourselves.
      We can also glorify God by doing what He asks us to do.

     Alright, let's look at our third and final LIFE Chip:

LIFE Chip #3:
"For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the LORD, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

     God has a special plan for our lives. We aren't just aimlessly roaming a game board trying to get to the end. We are working towards a goal: to glorify God in all that we do and to strive to be more and more like Him everyday.     


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Children Without a Voice (Ethics Essay)

I'm in an Ethics class this semester. We had to pick a moral belief that we stood of and defend it using two out of four ethical terms. This is the stand I took...
Murder: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with forethought.
Termination: end in time or existence.
Abortion: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.

I just gave you three different definitions for three different words. To some, these are just three different words with no connection, but to me they couldn’t be more intertwined.
According to the principle of impartiality all people are equal. I believe this includes life inside and outside the womb. We hear of murder trials and convictions almost every day. We hear that people have their “rights”. According to our own Declaration of Independence here in the United States “all men are created equal…with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…” If all people are indeed equal, then doesn’t that include the life of the baby inside his or her mother’s body? Doesn’t he or she have the same “right to life” as any other human being?
Men and women who murder are put on trial. Should it not be the same for those who kill these innocent children? The universal perspective gives the idea that if one moral rule applies to one situation then it also applies to all other same and similar situations. The life of an unborn child is just as important and valuable as the life of any other living person. If murdering a born “living” child is wrong, then killing an unborn “living” child is also wrong.”
More than fifty million babies are aborted each year in the United States alone. Many will argue that the baby being aborted is, in fact, not an actually baby. I can’t scientifically prove to you that life starts at conception, but it can’t be disproven either. A baby’s heartbeat can be heard between eighteen to twenty-one days after conception. At five weeks his or her eyes, hands and legs begin to develop. At six weeks the baby’s brain waves can be detected. By eight weeks all the baby’s organs are in their proper places. Between nine and twelve weeks the baby can turn his or her head. The organs begin to function and it grasp things in his hands. It can experience pain, because his or her nervous system and spinal cord has developed.  At week seventeen the baby can dream. At twenty weeks the baby can recognizes his or her mother’s voice. Anytime between the time of conception and twenty weeks any woman can abort her baby. Each one of those children are special and unique. They can’t use their voice to tell you who they are, but doesn’t mean they’re not there pleading for their lives.
     In our social system today, children who cannot protect themselves are appointed a Guardian Ad Litem. This is someone who acts or speaks on the child’s behalf. This includes children with handicaps and special needs. The Guardian Ad Litem becomes the voice of the child. Our society supposedly values children. Do you, society, value the lives of these unborn children? All children deserve a voice, born and unborn.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nicaragua-Day 9&10: July 7-8, 2012

     This was our fun day in Nicaragua. We got to see most of Managua and some other places in Nicaragua. I ziplined over a volcano! Scariest thing I've ever done, but so amazing at the same time! We also went swimming in a volcano. So fun! We went to the market again. It was fun to just relax and hang out with the Woughter family for the day.
     On Sunday we taught at the church we taught at our first Sunday there. It was the perfect ending to the trip. The kids enjoyed having us back and we enjoyed getting to teach them again.
     I was so sad to leave. I really miss it down there. I hope I get another opportunity to go down there, but maybe for a little longer this time. God worked in so many ways in my life. It was so cool to watch Him touch the lives of the people down there. So thankful that I was able to go on this trip.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Nicaragua-Day 8: July 6, 2012

     This was our last full day of ministry in Nicaragua. It makes me sad to think about. We went to  a preschool and then a church (the names of where we went have escaped me.)
     We told the story of the Birth of Jesus again to them and then made bookmarks. We played some hot potato and had airplane contests. I think the airplane contests were the kids favorite. We had little foam gliders that we brought and put together and then the kids threw them to see whose would go further.
     Next we went to a church. It started out as a small group of 10 or so kids, but grew to a good 30 or more by the time we were done. We told the story of Daniel and the Lions Den and made bookmarks with them as well. Our time with them was shorter then we had thought, so we didn't get to do as much with them as we had planned.

Nicaragua-Day 6&7: July 4-5, 2012

     Today we were back in the little town by the Center. I finally learned the towns name: Rosario Murillo. It was named after President Daniel Ortega's wife. He gave the people the land after the began building there.
     We had even more kids then we did the first day we were there. One the 4th we taught the story of Jesus' resurrection and then made Salvation bracelets with them. We also brought facepaint with us this time and drew on the kid's faces. They loved this! I learned a lot of my Spanish this way. :) It started raining before we finished everything, so we got a little wet.
     It stopped raining long enough to swim and have our own little fireworks show for our Independence Day celebration.
     On the 5th we taught them the salvation story using an EvangaCube. Cari Woughter told the story in Spanish and I turned/flipped the cube around so they could see the pictures as she told the story. I think they really enjoyed it. Then we made bandanna's with the older kids. They thought that was cool. We also facepainted again.
     This was definitely my favorite place we went to. I'd love to go back to there again and work with the kids there some more.

Nicaragua-Day 5: July 3, 2012

     Today we drove between 2-3 hours to the city of Sebacco. We went with another small group of people. We taught two groups of kids at the same church. The first group was smaller then the first group. There probably around 20 kids. We told the story of the Birth of Jesus and made little cross boxes to remind them that Jesus is God's gift to us and the greatest gift of all. We also played hot potato with them. They really enjoyed it. 
     After the first group, we ate some lunch and went to see some Indian ruins. It was a lot of climbing, but it was very cool to see. We also got to see the home of a poet that used to live in the area; Rubin Dario. He was pretty popular to the Nicaraguans. 
     I fell asleep on the drive home. It was a very long day, but very fun day.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nicaragua-Day 4: July 2, 2012

     We went to the little town by the Center today. It used to be an empty piece of land about a year ago. People started building houses there about a year ago and now it's a town of 800! The houses are pretty much just wooden or metal frames with black tarps around it or random pieces of wood or metal. Some have dug wells and planted gardens of beautiful flowers.
     There are so many
kids in this little town. The church there (their is no building yet, just a metal frame) feeds the children in the area lunch. We went to the store to buy some chicken for them. Then we went to an outdoor market a vegetable. It was a very interesting market. It can be pretty dangerous in there.
      The story and craft went well. We had a little over 100 kids. These kids aren't used to sitting for very long, but they did a pretty good job sitting there and seemed interested in what we were saying. We told the story of Daniel and the lions den. We didn't have enough cups for all the kids to make one, so we split the groups into two. The older ones made the cups and the younger ones made loin masks out of paper plates and yarn. We are going to be back here on Wednesday and Thursday,

Monday, July 2, 2012

Nicaragua-Day 3: July 1, 2012

     Today we got to teach Sunday School at the Woughter's Church. We had five kids there (four boys and one girl). Two of the older boys spoke English. All of the kids were so cute! They play the game Ninja here, so it was fun to play a game with them that I was familiar with.
     Lindsey took me around were they live to take some pictures of flowers. They have so many interesting and colorful flowers and plants here. I was able to see the national bird and the national flower.

     We are going to a little town around The Center tomorrow. A lot of the kids in this area are going to be a lot poorer. We are going to do our lion cup crafts. I think the kids would really benefit from it, because they get to take the cups home with them.

Nicaragua-Day 2: June 30, 2012

I woke up around 6 o'clock this morning. There are birds chirping constantly here, but it's been a mice change to wake up to.
We spent some time looking through all the supplies we had brought with us and decided what other things we might need still. Things here are a lot more laid back then I though it'd be.
Tomorrow we will be teaching Sunday School at the Woughter's church. They said there will probably only be five kids there, so it will be a good place for us to start and kinda get the feel for it. I'm excited to finally get to start teaching. I'm teaching about Joshua crossing the Jordan River from Joshua 3-4.
We also got to go to the Center today. It's almost like a big camp. It sounds like we will be doing some teaching and some other work there.
It's so beautiful here. There's so much color! I wish I knew more Spanish so I could communicate with the kids here better.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nicaragua-Day 1: June 29, 2012

Today we spent most of the day traveling. We started in Chicago, flew to Miami and then finally Managua, Nicaragua. The plane trip wasn't too bad. It went a lot faster then I thought it would.
After we landed and got our luggage , we had our first Nicaraguan meal: McDonalds. Yep, they have a McDonalds here. We were all very hungry and some other places to go before getting settled at the Woughter's home.
In the evening we helped make dinner for another missionary family who was leaving back to the States for awhile. Then we ate some dinner, watched a little bit of Nicaraguan news and some gymnastics(they get some TV stations in English).
They have a lot of different teaching opportunities for us starting on Sunday. I can't wait to start them!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Get Ready....Get Set....GO!!!!

     I've spent most of today packing for our trip to Nicaragua. We leave tomorrow afternoon and I couldn't be more excited!!!! I am just itching to get down there and begin all the ministries that we will be helping with. It's going to be so AMAZING! Be praying for us as we travel there and as we serve along side the Woughter family. Also be praying for the people we will be helping minister to. The count down is almost complete. The time is almost here. Get Ready...Get Set...GO!!!!

"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am! Send me." Isaiah 6:8

Saturday, June 23, 2012

6 more days until Nicaragua!

     I only have a few more days before I'll be heading down to Nicaragua!!! This week is going to be spent getting a few last minute items and finishing up some last minute details. Then it will be time to start packing everything up.
     I'm getting more excited as the day draws nearer and nearer. Can't wait to see what God will do and to serve down there.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

God is in Control....ALL THE TIME

Lift Me Up by The Afters

Waiting for the sunrise
Waiting for the day
Waiting for the sign that I'm where You want me to be
You know my heart is heavy
and the hurt is deep
But when I feel like giving up
You're reminding me
That we all fall down sometimes
When I hit the ground

You lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me, so I'm letting go
You lift me up when I can't see
Your heart's all that I need
Your love carries me, so I'm letting go

I know I'm not perfect
I know I make mistakes
I know that I have let You down,
but You love me the same
And when I'm surrounded
And when I lose my way
And when i'm crying out and falling down

You are here to lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me, so I'm letting go
You lift me up when I can't see
Your heart's all that I need
Your love carries me, so I'm letting go

I can see the dawn is breakin'
I am feeling overtaken
With Your love, with Your love
I don't know what I can offer
In this moment I surrender
to Your love, to Your love

You lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me, so I'm letting go
You lift me up when I can't see
Your heart's all that I need
Your love carries me, so I'm letting go
     No matter what situation I may be facing God is always in control. He will always be there to "lift me up"' no matter what. I need to let go and let God do what He needs to do in my life even when I don't understand it.

"Be still and know that I AM GOD." -Psalm 46:10a

Monday, June 11, 2012

17 days and counting

Only a short 17 days until I'll be leaving for Nicaragua. I am so excited! I can hardly wait! We have almost everything planned out and organized. All that's left to do is buy the rest of our supplies and pack it all up!
I'm praying that God will use me in an AMAZING way as I minister to this kids. I'm a little nervous about the language barrier, but I'm hoping to be able to become close to the kids despite it.
I absolutely love the below song. It's "I Refuse" by Josh Wilson. I want to be the one God uses to do AMAZING things. He has called me to go on this missions trip and I will gladly and willing go anywhere else He may call me to.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

One Month Until Nicaragua!

     So I'm about a month away from my missions trip to Nicaragua!!!! I am getting more and more excited as the day draws nearer and nearer. I can't wait to see what God does while I'm there. This trip is going to be so AMAZING! There are a few more details we need to work out before we go, but almost everything is in place and ready to go.
     I've been praying that God prepares me for whatever He may need me for and that He would prepare the hearts of the children we are going to teach down there.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Live Like That: What Impact am I making?

     I heard this song on the radio the other day and fell in love with it. I love it, because it reminds me what I should be living like. This really makes me think about what type of impact I leave in people's lives. Is it good or bad? Everything I do should be a reflection of Christ and who He is. I want live like He would live. I want His love to overflow in my actions towards others. I want to be different to the people I come into contact with. "I wanna live like that."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nicaragua Missions Trip Update

I got my passport in the mail!!! This trip is coming up so fast. I can't wait to see what God is going to do during this. This verse below is why I am going on this trip.
"How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'
Romans 10:14-15

Here is the link to the website of the missionaries I'm going down to help:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Amazing Opportunity

     I have the amazing opportunity to go on a missions trip this summer to Nicaragua! This will be the second missions trip I've been on and I am so excited to see how God is going to use me during this trip. I will be helping a missionary family that my church supports. There are a couple of different things I'll do while I'm there:
                   1. I'll be working with children in an orphanage
                   2. I'll be doing a VBS (Vacation Bible School) program at a Christian School and at some churches.
I may be doing some more things other then this, so I'll keep you updated.
     The days for the trip are June 29th-July9th, 2012. Missions work is something I've been passionate about since I was 7yrs old.
     I'll be keeping you updated on the progress of the trip during the next several weeks while I prepare for the trip and will try to post some things while I'm in Nicaragua (we will have to see how often I'll be able to get onto a computer). 
     I am just so excited to be able to go on this trip and be used by God in this way!!!! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time In Between: A Reminder of What Easter is Really All About

Time in Between
Francesca Battistelli

You were there when Your Father said,
"Let there be light."
You obeyed when He whispered,
"Son, you have to leave tonight.
to spend nine months in a mother's womb,
three days in a borrowed tomb"

But it's the time in between
That brings me to my knees
Knowing You came for me
And all that I can't be
I'm amazed, so amazed
and I'm thankful for the time in between.

Don't take much for this crazy world
To rob me of my piece.
And the enemy of my soul
Says You're holding out on me.
So I stand here lifting empty hands
For You to fill me up again.

But it's the time in between
That I fall down to my knees
Waiting on what You'll bring
And the things I can't see
I know my song's incomplete
Still I'll sing for the time in between.

So many ways
You're love has saved the day
and I'm grateful for them all.

But it's the time in between
the middle of two thieves
That says everything
It's the reason I believe
I'm amazed, so amazed
and I thank You for the time in between

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thoughts from the Beach

Have you ever watched waves roll onto a beach? I had the opportunity to go to Florida this week with my family. One of the things we got to do was go to the beach.
I watched as the waves rolled onto the sand. These waves weren't little. They had the power to pull me into the water if I went out too far and they almost did a couple of times.
Although these waves were powerful, they are not as powerful as their Creator. God is the One who tells these waves how far to go, none of them go further then the line He draws for them.
Sometimes in my life there are waves. Some are big, some are little, but God is always there to pull me out. No wave is big enough to pull me away from His love. He loves me and cares about me and nothing can ever draw me away from Him.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today is Valentines Day. I like to call the "LOVE Holiday." It's a time when we get to show our family and friends how much we love and care about them.
I love this picture here because it has one of my favorite verses on it. These verses show me what love really looks like. Christ is my best example of love. When I want to show someone that I love and care about them I should have this attributes showing in my life.
Another thing I'm reminded of is we don't have to wait until Valentines Day to show people how much we love them. We should be showing them and reminding them of our love daily. <3