Beauty in the Eye of God, the Beholder

YES! I believe!

God, the true and only God, created everything we see around us. He created the grass, the sun, the sky, the water, the animals, everything! Everything He made was beautiful with no flaws. He created this beautiful garden and created the first two people, a man and a woman, to tend to it. There was only one rule God asked them not to break, don't eat from a tree that was in the middle of the garden. The woman was tempted by a snake in the garden (who was really Satan in disguise) and she ate the fruit off the tree that God had said not to eat. After she ate it she gave some to the man and he ate it also. Because they had disobeyed God, they were kicked out of the garden for ever and the beautiful perfect world God had created became tainted and imperfect. Sin (bad and wrong things that we do) entered into the world that day and death became apart of life and the punishment for sin. The man and the woman had children and the population of the earth grew and grew.
God loved us and had a perfect plan to save the world from the imperfect sin that now infested every corner of it. God had a son. His name was Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God...Jesus. Jesus left His perfect home in heaven with God and came to earth as a baby. He grew up and told people of God's amazing love for them. Around the age of thirty-three, Jesus was crucified on a cross as a criminal even though He had done nothing wrong. His perfect innocent blood washed away the sins of the whole world, past, present and future. Jesus was buried in a tomb and it was sealed tight and guarded. After three days, Jesus rose from the dead and He lives even today! He conquered death and it is no longer something we have to be afraid of.
Forgiveness and redemption from our sins is something God offers to each one of us. It's a free and perfect gift that God wants us to accept. God's Word, the Bible, tells us that all of us have done wrong things and that we can't live with God in heaven because of the wrong that we have done. But because He loved us enough to send His son, Jesus, to earth to die for us we can have eternal life and live with Him forever.  There are three steps you have to take in order to receive that free gift of salvation and be able to live in heaven forever with God:

  1. Admit your a sinner. Realize that you have done wrong things and that you need a savior. We can't do it on your own.
  2. Believe who Jesus is. He is God's Son, the Savior of the world. He loves you and wants you to spend an eternity with Him in heaven.
  3. Pray and ask God to forgive you. Tell Him that you want His free gift of forgiveness and salvation. Ask Him to be the center of your life. 
I accepted this gift of salvation at the very young age of five through a bedtime story ( read that right...a bedtime story). The story was all about Jesus and what He did on the cross for me that day. I realized that I had done bad things and that I didn't want to spend the rest of eternity away from someone who loved me enough to die for me. I was special, unique and important to Him. I asked Him to come and save me that night and to be the center of my life. It was the best and most important decision I've ever made in my life. YES! I believe in who Jesus is and what He did for me! Do you?

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